Friday, 16 December 2016

Final Goodbye for 2016

Thank you so much for a fantastic year Room 7! I am looking forward to working with the year 7's Janelle, Delcia, Phoebe T, Jan Genesis, Lebron, Pearce and John again next year :D

The year 8 's had a fun afternoon at the Haughey house eating yummy food, playing games, going to the park and having a crazy water fight! Thank you parents for transporting your child and providing a plate of food. Also a BIG Thank you Kristine and Graham for opening your home and organising an awesome event for everybody and Sina for the great company!

Year 8's I wish you all the best for the future and I can't wait for you to come back and share all the exciting and wonderful things you get up to! A special farewell to beautiful Athashia and her family who are off on an exciting adventure to Perth!

Year 8 Leavers 2016 

That face....


Climbing trees


Bye Athashia <3 All the best for Aussie!

Mini Me